Wiki arthritis of the knee


Zephyrhills, FL
Best answers
what dx code do you use for arthritis of the knee... does not mention anything about degenerative or osteoarthritis just states arthritis. would like to see what others are using. thx

M19.90 OR M17.9???
Look up arthritis, then joint it states see osteoarthritis by site. Osteoarthritis of the Knee is M17 if the documentation does not specific primary, secondary or post-traumatic then it is unspecified so M17.9
Look up arthritis, then joint it states see osteoarthritis by site. Osteoarthritis of the Knee is M17 if the documentation does not specific primary, secondary or post-traumatic then it is unspecified so M17.9

either I have a messed up book or something because when I look at arthritis....I don't see anything that say joint under this. I have the 2016 ICD-10 CM COMPLETE CODE SET. What book do you have?
I'd be interested in knowing where to locate "joint" underneath arthritis as well. Not seeing it in my book either. doesn't have a Joint under arthritis either:

Arthritis, arthritic (acute) (chronic) (nonpyogenic) (subacute)  M19.90 Non-specific code
 13. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)
 M00-M25 Arthropathies (M00-M25)
 M15-M19 Osteoarthritis (M15-M19)
 M19 Other and unspecified osteoarthritis
 M19.9 Osteoarthritis, unspecified site
     M19.90 Unspecified osteoarthritis, unspecified site Book View
allergic - see Arthritis, specified form NEC
ankylosing (crippling) (spine)  - see also Spondylitis, ankylosing
atrophic  - see Osteoarthritis
back - see Spondylopathy, inflammatory
blennorrhagic (gonococcal) A54.42
Charcot's  - see Arthropathy, neuropathic
chylous (filarial) B74.9Non-specific code - see also category M01Non-specific code
climacteric (any site) NEC - see Arthritis, specified form NEC
crystal (-induced) - see Arthritis, in, crystals
deformans - see Osteoarthritis
degenerative - see Osteoarthritis
due to or associated with  
epidemic erythema A25.1
febrile - see Fever, rheumatic
gonococcal A54.42
gouty (acute) - see Gout, idiopathic
in (due to)  
infectious or infective  - see also Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic
juvenile  M08.90Non-specific code
meaning osteoarthritis - see Osteoarthritis
meningococcal A39.83
menopausal (any site) NEC - see Arthritis, specified form NEC
mutilans (psoriatic) L40.52
mycotic NEC B49Non-specific code - see also category M01Non-specific code
neuropathic (Charcot)  - see Arthropathy, neuropathic
ochronotic E70.29 - see also subcategory M14.8-Non-specific code
palindromic (any site) - see Rheumatism, palindromic
pneumococcal  M00.10Non-specific code
postdysenteric - see Arthropathy, postdysenteric
postmeningococcal A39.84
postrheumatic, chronic - see Arthropathy, postrheumatic, chronic
primary progressive  - see also Arthritis, specified form NEC
psoriatic L40.50Non-specific code
purulent (any site except spine)  - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic
pyogenic or pyemic (any site except spine)  M00.9Non-specific code
reactive - see Reiter's disease
rheumatic  - see also Arthritis, rheumatoid
rheumatoid  M06.9Non-specific code
rubella B06.82
scorbutic E54 - see also subcategory M14.8-Non-specific code
senile or senescent - see Osteoarthritis
septic (any site except spine)  - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic
serum (nontherapeutic) (therapeutic) - see Arthropathy, postimmunization
specified form NEC  M13.80Non-specific code
spine  - see also Spondylopathy, inflammatory
staphylococcal  M00.00Non-specific code
streptococcal NEC  M00.20Non-specific code
suppurative - see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic
syphilitic (late)  A52.16
syphilitica deformans (Charcot) A52.16
temporomandibular M26.69
toxic of menopause (any site) - see Arthritis, specified form NEC
transient - see Arthropathy, specified form NEC
traumatic (chronic) - see Arthropathy, traumatic
tuberculous  A18.02
uratic - see Gout, idiopathic
urethritica (Reiter's) - see Reiter's disease
vertebral - see Spondylopathy, inflammatory
villous (any site) - see Arthropathy, specified form NEC
I don't know what to say guys it is there in my book. Arthritis then down to joint . I looked at it a hundred times at least. I know the publishers are different but I would not think they would be that different. I have no answers.
I don't know what to say guys it is there in my book. Arthritis then down to joint . I looked at it a hundred times at least. I know the publishers are different but I would not think they would be that different. I have no answers.

Maybe you can take a pic of this and post it for us. Thanks
what dx code do you use for arthritis of the knee... does not mention anything about degenerative or osteoarthritis just states arthritis. would like to see what others are using. thx

M19.90 OR M17.9???

My I-9 book said it I-10 does not


M19.90 code description says osteoarthritis
I think it should be M17 if Osteoarthritis of knee. if it is not specified then code M19 (Other and unspecified osteoarthritis).
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arthritis is a broad term unless specified you could only use M19.90, coders can't assume that the patient has osteoarthritis just because both condition has the same NOS codes. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions like osteoarthritis, arthropathy, gout, infective, rheumatoid, etc.., if there were no documentation of degeneration M17.9 will be inappropriate. Arthritis is a condition of the joint (Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation) thus making me question why there's a subcategory of joint under arthritis?