Wiki 22614

Raleigh, NC
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I am new to coding and I have a claim that 22614 is being denied when it was billed with 22212, 22802 and 22843. Does it need a modifier or is it just included with one of the listed codes?
22614 is an Add-on code -- (Use 22614 in conjunction with 22600, 22610, 22612, 22630, or 22633, when performed for arthrodesis at a different interspace. When performing a posterior or posterolateral technique for fusion/arthrodesis at an additional interspace, use 22614. When performing a posterior interbody fusion arthrodesis at an additional interspace, use 22632. When performing a combined posterior or posterolateral technique with posterior interbody arthrodesis at an additional interspace, use 22634)
That claim needs to be rechecked if those were the codes on it. 22802 is posterior fusion for deformity 7-12 segments. You would not code any 22614 with it.