Wiki 93656 vs 93653


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I am needing help trying to figure out which code this should be, procedures performed were;

1. Comprehensive electrophysiology study with coronary sinus catheter, Halo type catheter pacing and recording.
2. Eletroanatomical/ESI mapping.
3, Cavotricuspid isthmus ablation.
4. Moderate sedation.

I was thinking to bill 93653, 93613, 99152.
I am needing help trying to figure out which code this should be, procedures performed were;

1. Comprehensive electrophysiology study with coronary sinus catheter, Halo type catheter pacing and recording.
2. Eletroanatomical/ESI mapping.
3, Cavotricuspid isthmus ablation.
4. Moderate sedation.

I was thinking to bill 93653, 93613, 99152.

Depending on how good the documentation is you could also code 93621 for left atrial pacing and recording. ....he mentioned the coronary sinus catheter but did he do anything in the LA?
Sedation codes would depend on time of course, and who performed the sedation.