Wiki AC Reconstruction?

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Patient was dx'd with Acromioclavicular separation. Dr. did the following: Long. incision overlying the coracoid and ac joint was carried sharply through skin. Deeper dissection proceeded with electrocautery to identify the deltotrapezius fascia. This was incised long. overlying the clavicle to expose the distal clavicle and ac. The clavicle was found to be slightly posterior and superor in displacement, but not easily mobile superiorly. Dissection revealed the coracoclavicular ligaments were intact. Given the intact coraco. ligaments, the AC reconstruction was performed with a distal clavicle resection performed with a saw and transfer of the coracoacromial lig. into the distal clavicle. The coracoacromial lig. was dissected free and released from the acromion. The distal clavicle was cored out slightly with a curet and the coracoacromial lig. was secured into the cavity using a #2 fiber-wire grasping sutre passed the drill holes in the clavicle.
Would this be 23420 with 23120 or would it be 23550 with 23120? Thanks so much for any help!
23550 would be the correct choice. I know that the CCI edits do not bundle the 23120 but you may want to check the AAOS global data guide to see if its bundled through there.

Definitely not 23420, that is for a rotator cuff reconstruction.