Wiki Admin of cytoxan


Williamsburg, MA
Best answers
Is there a code for a physician supervising the admin of Cytoxan for and inpatient - or how would this be coded
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
My understanding is that the physician supervision is implicit in the admin of the chemotherapy (96413 for the 1st hr). Unless... the physician performs and E/M incident to the chemo admin. Good luck!
Is there a code for a physician supervising the admin of Cytoxan for and inpatient - or how would this be coded
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Can you provide more information? Such as are you coding for the facility? In the inpatient setting the administration of the chemo is the facility's charge. So the question here is does your physician actually administer the chemo? Is he on the chemo ward to walk around and supervise several patients? Is he one-on-one at the bedside during the entire infusion? Is there documentation of exactly what he does?
Cytoxan admin

I appreciate the feed back - in reponse the physician is not employed by the hospital and I am billing for the physician - he is not actually performing the administration of drug - he is present during the administration/service performed and supervising the process -
In researching this I am understanding that the physician can bill for an e/m service and use the appropriate diagnosis code. Since the patient is an inpatient at the facility; the facility will bill for the injection and drug/supplies.
Thanks again for the help - it is very much appreciated for me to get an understanding on this as I am unfamilar with this type of coding.