I'm a new member as well as a recent graduate from U.S. Career Institute. I closed with a GPA of 95%,which I thought was good, but now after reading every one's replies about the exam it has made me wonder and a bit nervous about taken it. When I decided to become a medical coder, I was told it was in high demand and you could easily be a non-certified or certified but of course being certified would be more money. Now it seems everyone wants you to be certified and two or more years experience in the medical field. My question is how are you suppose to get experience if no one gives you a chance to show what you can do? Everyone had to start some where and yes I'm aware of the internship but I'm from Gray Court S.C. and this is not offered here and no where close to here.Most of you have described the exam as being so hard and most didn't pass it the first time around. As I stated earlier I just graduated and this was on 2007 and this is 2008 so is the test on 2008 or 2007 or both and if it's on 2008 I'm doomed before I get started. Any advise? Any pointers from anyone? I'm looking for a job in medical coding field and now I'm not so sure if any one even hires a non-certified coder. I really hope I didn't make the wrong choice for my career. I'm 47 yrs. old and no let's change that I"m 47 yrs YOUNG and I have enjoyed doing this as a career goal I just need to be given a chance. I'm human and naturally scared of making mistakes but I know given a chance I can do someone a good job. It seems most all of you have a job in the medical field, I commend you. How did you do It? Any advise would be grateful.
Karen Blevins,
Gray Court, S.C.