Wiki Angiogram


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Can we code the following report with

Clinical information. Status post reopening of a peroneal
occlusion 4 months ago now with rest pain.

Informed consent was obtained. The patient was prepped and draped
appropriately and after infiltration with local anesthesia the
right common femoral artery was punctured with a 22 gauge and
contrast injected. Pressures were measured and compared with
blood pressure readings in the right arm .

Given that the SFA was open, an antegrade puncture was performed
on the right side after infiltration with local anesthesia and a
5-French sheath introduced. Through this contrast was injected
with filming down the right leg.

The superficial femoral artery is patent in continuity with the
popliteal artery but there is extensive atherosclerotic disease.
Specifically there is an 80% stenosis in the adductor canal and
the popliteal artery is extensively diseased before it occludes
immediately below the knee joint. Reconstitution of a small
peroneal artery is seen 15 cm distally. There is no
reconstitution of the anterior or posterior tibial arteries until
the ankle.
Attempted angioplasty
Multiple attempts were made to reopen the peroneal artery
without success. An attempt was then made at a subintimal
angioplasty in the superficial femoral artery but this was

There is occlusion of the distal popliteal artery and proximal
peroneal artery over 15 cm. Failed attempt at recanalization and
of a sub intimal angioplasty. There is is reconstitution of the
anterior and posterior tibial arteries at the ankle.
I'm thinking 75710/36140

I agree. I also wonder how much work was performed in the "attempt" to open the artery? With better documentation you could probably code for an interventional procedure. The procedure does not have to be successful to be coded, only performed.

HTH :)
I agree. I also wonder how much work was performed in the "attempt" to open the artery? With better documentation you could probably code for an interventional procedure. The procedure does not have to be successful to be coded, only performed.

HTH :)

I want to code for the catheter placement, thinking of my experience in working these procedures that a catheter is used, but since there really is no mention of a catheter or placement of a balloon catheter, I have to agree with you.