Wiki Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction


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Doctor harvested the patellar tendon with attached bone blocks from patella and tibial tubercle. The bone blocks were custom shaped at the end of the procedure and impacted into the tubercle defect that was created by harvesting the tendon. Can the custom shaping of the bone graft be coded separately from the ACL reconstruction? Thanks for your input.
From what I have from a ortho seminar regarding ACL 29888 what is covered by this code is minor synovial resection for visualization; notchoplasty, ACL stump removal, partial synovectomy and fat pad resection, intra-articular ligament reconstruction, harvesting and insertion of fat pad resection (if the tendon is resected from a distant site then report the harvesting separate using code 2902_ based on which is the most appropriate); intra-articular ligament reconstruction; harvesting and insertion of fascial, tendon or bone graft; diagnostic knee arthroscopy; internal fixation for graft; arthroscopic lysis of adhesions; manipulation of the knee, and additional or enlarging portals.
What is not included in this code; meniscectomy, meniscus repair; extraarticular augmentation, exclusive of screw tenodesis of the illiotibial band; arthroscopic chondroplasty, separate compartment; arthroscopic abrasionplasty; and arthroscopic removal of loose bodies.
I hope this helps. :)
oh I so wish we could!! Generally with the ACL's there is an assist that does that prep for the surgeons..I guess thats what he gets paid to do in their eyes.