Wiki Articular Fracture Proximal Phalanx


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I keep struggling with this one, so I'm hoping someone has so definetive information on how to code this.

Doctor did a closed reduction of an articular fracture of the proximal phalanx and placed two percutaneous k-wires. I'm looking at 26742 but how do you get the k-wires? Are they billed as supplies? Would it be better to use an unlisted code? Help!!!
Look at code 26727 - as it states "percutaneous pinning" this would be the K-wires.

Per the Coders Desk Reference - " The physician treats a phalangeal shaft fracture of the proximal or middle phalanx, finger, or thumb with manipulation and secures it with a wire".

This is an articular fracture which would place it at the proximal phalanx joint, so I don't think shaft fracture would apply.
Maybe look at 26706 in CDR it says, the physician manipulates a metacarpophalangeal dislocation to restore anatomical position and secures the bone with a wire. The physician determines the dislocated position of the bone. The bone is relocated to correct anatomical position using external manipulation. The physician drills a wire into the metacarpophalangeal joint, through the fracture, and into the proximal bone. The drill entry point is dressed and the hand is splinted. And I got the definitions of dislocation fracture and articular fracture, and I think this one might work for you, by reading those. What do you think? I hope that helps. If not, then I guess it would be unlisted.
dislocation fracture
Type: Term

1. a fracture of a bone near an articulation with a concomitant dislocation of the adjacent joint.

articular fracture
Type: Term

1. a fracture involving the joint surface of a bone.