Wiki Billing 95937 for TO4

Franklin, TN
Best answers

Is it appropriate to bill 95937 for train of four. I do not think so...please someone confirm. There is no CPT code for TO4 either.

Thank you!
was this ever answered?

I am still searching for a code that covers T04 monitoring? UHC specifically denies 95937 for this. Has anyone found an answer?:confused:
95937 should not be used for TOF

We do not code for TOF because there is no separate code for it.

Some notes I have regarding TOF are: Train of Four Testing does not fit the criteria set by CMS and Insurance Carriers for CPT 95937. Hence it is inappropriate to bill Neuromuscular Junction Testing code for Train of Four Monitoring. There is no separate code for Train of Four Monitoring. Just because others are using CPT 95937 for Train of Four Monitoring and getting reimbursed for this service does not mean that it is correct. Billing this code for other than what it is meant for may lead to audits.

Hope this helps.

Feb 2016 CPT Assistant Q&A:
Question: Is it appropriate to report CPT code 95937, Neuromuscular junction testing (repetitive stimulation, paired stimuli), each nerve, any 1 method, for train of four testing during intraoperative neural monitoring?

Answer:A peripheral nerve stimulator, also known as a train‐of‐four monitor, is used to assess neuromuscular transmission when neuromuscular blocking agents are given to block musculoskeletal activity. By assessing the
depth of neuromuscular blockade, peripheral nerve stimulation can ensure proper medication dosing and, thus, decrease the incidence of side effects. Train‐of‐four monitoring is bundled with the intraoperative neuromonitoring of electromyography (EMG) or motor evoked potentials (MEP) and, therefore, is not separately reportable.