The GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) does have an NCD, and you will find it on the CMS web site.
The 82947 is a glucose not the GGT, that is 82977.
Now, it's my understanding, that when a test is included in the panel, there is not a separate LCD/NCD, it's all included in the panel and I do not believe the panels are listed in the NCD/LCD yet, just the individual tests. So you should not get denials for the panels. But I know it's happened. If you do separate tests than what is in the panel at another time during the day, then you would use the 91 modifer on that test. (i.e. 80048 [BMP] done in a.m. and 82947 [glucose] done at noon, and a 84132 [potassium] done at 1600, you would add the 91 to the glucose and the potassium.)
Any other thoughts on this?