Wiki Brostrom procedure


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Does anybody know how to code a Brostrom procedure? This is from the OP report: Right ankle lateral ligament reconstruction, modified Brostrom type.
I made an incision at the tip
of the fibula. I elevated at the fibula up to the periosteum. The ATFL
and the CFL insertions were elevated off the distal fibula. The peroneal
tendon sheath was opened to inspect the tendons and protect them, and
they were fine. I then took two Bio-Suture Taks and inserted them into
the distal fibula. Then with the ankle in the correct position, I used
free needles to pass through the ATFL and the CFL in the imbricating
fashion taking up about a centimeter of slack in the ligaments. They
were then tied down to the distal fibula. The fibular periosteum was
then imbricated over the top of the capsule in the CFL. The inferior
extensor retinaculum was brought out then imbricated over all of this
with interrupted Vicryl sutures, also.