Wiki Can I bill an initial IP visit for 2 providers of same specialty within 60 days?


McKinney, TX
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Provider A saw the patient on 5/20/22 and billed 99222. Patient was readmitted on 6/19 /2022, and another provider from the same group specialty did the consultation this time. Can I billed an initial code for this 2nd provider or a subsequent one?
Provider A saw the patient on 5/20/22 and billed 99222. Patient was readmitted on 6/19 /2022, and another provider from the same group specialty did the consultation this time. Can I billed an initial code for this 2nd provider or a subsequent one?
You should bill an initial visit for the first visit for each admission (assuming documentation supports it). There is no requirement for a specific amount of to elapse between initial visits. A new admission requires a full work-up by the provider, even if the patient happened to have just been discharged recently.
Provider A saw the patient on 5/20/22 and billed 99222. Patient was readmitted on 6/19 /2022, and another provider from the same group specialty did the consultation this time. Can I billed an initial code for this 2nd provider or a subsequent one?
Yes, these were two separate initial visits handled by two separate physicians.