Wiki Cardiology-nuclear stress test


St Augustine, FL
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Can anyone give me some information on which modifier should be billed with the A9500 on the second part of the nuclear stress test, is it 59 or 25?

Thanks in advance
is it the A9500 that they want a modifier on or the actual procedure? Neither 25 or 59 would be appropriate on this code (and as stated before should not need any modifier), which makes me wonder about the code in denial.
No modifier is needed. I have been having problems with United Healthare denying A9500 and A9700. They have a contrast material policy on their website, It has a list of the CPT codes that have to be billed with the contrast material. They are my least favorite insurance, because a lot of their denials don't make sense, and most of the reps I speak with don't understand what we are talking about.
Good Luck!

I'm guessing you may not be billing the nuclear study correctly this is the reason for having your injections denied. To bill the nuclear study you do not need to bill for both dates. We never had problems with United Healthcare denying payments. You should also submit the NDC number and copy of the drug invoice with the claim.

Dolores, CPC, CCC