Wiki Code for Chart Review


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
Is there a CPT code that anyone knows of for a chart review that a physician performs without patient contact? How about a code for when a physician writes a letter to another physician concerning a patient? I say there are not codes for this, but I have doctors arguing with me saying that there has to be a code to cover the time they spend performing these services. I say no. Any insight?
hope it's helpful!

I just went through a similar situation with some of my docs.....there are no codes that can be billed for chart review, labs review all of that is inclusive of the e/m that is being billed.....and as far as the letter goes...if that letter was part of a consult that he already billed for that letter in the consult code....if it wasn't part of a consult then that too is inclusive of any e/m services or procedures that were performed.
I too agree

I too agree there is no such code. I suggest next time show them the Cpt code book and let see what they come up with. :)