Wiki Coding healthy new patient?

Those codes are for evaluation and management of a problem and would not be appropriate to bill for a healthy patient with no symptoms, problems or complaints to manage.
Okay, so how do we see the patient if they want our physician to become their PCP? Thanks in advance.....
Typically, if there are no symptoms, problems or complaints to manage, you would be performing a preventive medicine service 99381-99397.
If this is not what was done, then what service did you provide to the patient??
Typically, if there are no symptoms, problems or complaints to manage, you would be performing a preventive medicine service 99381-99397.
If this is not what was done, then what service did you provide to the patient??
This was a visit to establish care but he practitioner stated the patient didn't have any history or current illness.
No since there is no medical necessity. But this is one of those times that you really need to clarify the "reason" for the visit. Was this meant to be a "get to know you and establish care" visit? Or a routine exam? Some patients need exams for legal or insurance purposes. You really need to find out the "intent" of the visit. To me it could easily be a "establish care" visit, but you really need to find out first.
Yes that's what the practitioner put in their notes patient here to establish care.