Wiki Coding Metastatic Cancers


Naples, FL
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I have question as I am coding a chart which indicates "recurrent and metastatic uterine adenocarcinoma with metatasis to the lung"

The lung is secondary correct? the uterine is primary? But if the patient had a Total Hysterectomy years ago for the CA and the record indicates that it has recurred? Is this still coded as a Uterine Ca?

I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for your input.
Even though the patient had a hyster years ago, if the pathology is showing the Lung as seconday to the Uterine Ca, you'll code it that way. if the Lung Ca was a new primary according to the pathology report, then you would code it Lung Ca primary. Make sure you check the pathology report first before coding the primary and secondary cancers. That usually gives you the information you need.
As far as I know Principal DX will be lung cancer ( 2nd degree/Metastatic) SDX will be history of uterrenic cancer (V code) and 3rd Dx will be (S/P hysterectomy (V codes). Everythings depends on doctor's documentation. or Query Physician how is it possible recurrent Uterine cancer w/o uterus??

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As far as I know Principal DX will be lung cancer ( 2nd degree/Metastatic) SDX will be history of uterrenic cancer (V code) and 3rd Dx will be (S/P hysterectomy (V codes). Everythings depends on doctor's documentation. or Query Physician how is it possible recurrent Uterine cancer w/o uterus??


I agree with kumeena. Without more info from the provider I would use 1) 197.0 2) V10.41

HTH :)