Wiki Coding off of 2 Systems During Transition?


Enumclaw, WA
Best answers
My main questions would be, just as offices must move back and forth between two systems when transitioning to new accounting/billing software, would coders be coding off of both systems ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM (or would the encoder software be redesigned to generate an automated crosswalk--if that is possible--sort of like approximate translation between two languages with disparate grammatical structures--- )
for a period of at least one year during the months following (or even immediately prior to) the 2013 converson? I believe that will require a great deal of open-mindedness for change and flexibility on the part of the coders.

Beth Hunt
HIM/Coding Student (new graduate as of Summer 2009)
Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA ONLINE H.I.M. program
I believe it will be up to the software you use whether they will write it so you can use ICD-9 and ICD-10.
My guess most softwares will do one or the other, so any dates after October 2013 would be in one system and any dates before would be in another.