Wiki CPT books


Sacramento, CA
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What do you do with your CPT books that are not being used? I have 2019,2020 books and no room to store them. I also have Dr. Z's coding reference books from 2020, 2021 and I think 2019. Do you recycle them or give to a thrift store?

Thank you
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I hold onto books for about 2 years, then recycle. My personal opinion is that for a student, using outdated books can lead to a lot of errors and misunderstandings. For any office, they should be willing to spend the money for new books every year, if not using an online encoder. One wrong claim = cost of books annually.
I keep my books for that time period in case I ever need to write an appeal based on a claim from that year.
I don't know about Dr. Z's coding reference books, but if I do have a more in depth reference book, I will keep it until I feel it's just too out of date to be helpful, then recycle.