Wiki CPT codes for ENT surgery


Irvine, CA
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DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was explained the risks and benefits, and appropriate consent form signed. The patient was taken to the operating room and general anesthesia was induced. Nose and face were sterilely prepped and draped and Stryker navigation system was applied with standard registration protocol followed and accuracy verified with landmarks. Under endoscopic guidance,

The middle turbinate attachments were injected with local anesthetic. The right-sided procedure was first undertaken. The middle turbinate was compressed laterally and straight cutting forceps were used to remove the polyps arising from medial surface of the structure without traumatizing the cribrifonn. Now middle turbinate was replaced toward the midline and polyps were removed from the inferior portion of the middle turbinate. Now, the uncinate process was palpated and excised from the lateral nasal wall removing polyps arising from this structure. The maxillary sinus ostium was widened anteriorly and posteriorly using side-biting forceps and up-biting forceps and polyps were removed f r om the sinus itself. The ethmoid bulla was opened and polyps were removed back through the basal lamella of the middle turbinate. Navigation was used to identify the posterior ethmoid region, which was cleared off polyps and skull base identified. A seeker was used to open air cells along the lamina and skull base in retrograde fashion back to the frontal ethmoid region. Anterosuperior ethmoid air cells were opened and polyps removed with up-biting instruments. The ethmoid cavity was clear and afr in cottonoids applied . The same procedure was The maxillary antrostomy tissue removal and ethmoidectomy were completed on in identical fashion on the left side. Proceeding on the left, I used navigation and identified the natural opening of the f r ontal sinus. I introduced the Entellus balloon to expand the frontal tract and this was then converted to a formal frontal sinusotomy using up cutting forceps to take down the bony overhang and superior residual uncinate process creating a formal frontal sinusotomy. The left middle turbinate was pushed laterally and face was sphenoid was examined. Polyps were cleared from the face of the sphenoid with cutting forceps and the navigation used to identify the natural ostium, which was widened using cutting instruments. Middle turbinate was replaced toward the midline. Cottonoids were removed and Propel rnometasone implants were deployed bilaterally in the ethmoid cavity.

The inferior turbinates were then treated with the ArthroCare turbinate wand, which was used to pierce the tip of the left inferior turbinate and passed to the posterior third of the structure and activated for 10 seconds in the setting of 4. Additional lesions were made in the middle and anterior third of the turbinate. Mucosa was preserved and the body outfractured. This was repeated bilaterally. Hemostasis was present and the procedure was terminated as instruments and sponge counts were confirmed as correct.

Can anyone help me with all the CPT codes for the following procedures at ASC:

1) Bilateral image-guided endoscopic sinus surgery consisting of left endoscopic frontal sinusotomy with total ethmoidectomy
2)Left endoscopic sphenoid simusotomy
3) Bilateral maxillary antrostomies with tissue removal
4)Right endoscopic total ethmoidectomy
5) Bilateral inferior turbinate submucous resection using submucosal radiofrequency current
6) Bilateral insertion of Propel mometasone sinus implants

1) Bilateral chronic maxillary and ethmoid sinusitis
2) Left-side frontal and sphenoid chronic sinusitis
3) Bilateral sinonasal polyposis
4) Inferior turbinate hypertrophy

My colleague codes 31276-LT, 31257-LT, 31255-RT, 31267-RT, 31267-LT, 30802, 61782, S1091. J32.4, J33.8, J34.3.
According to CPT guideline,:
1) 31276 is bundled with 31255, 31257;
2) S1091 is non-payable for ASC;
3) The status indicator is N for 61782, it is bundled with the primary procedure.
4) 30802 is for ablation, soft tissue not excision

My CPT codes are 31253-50, 31288-LT, 31267-50, 30140-50. Dx: J32.2, J32.0, J32.3, J33.8.
This is a really difficult case. I think your colleague is closer to being correct on this one.

#1: You're correct, 31276 bundles to 31253, but I don't see a frontal sinus exploration documented, only a ethmoidectomy and sphenoidotomy, so I'd code 31257, and 31276 doesn't bundle to that. It bundles to 31255 but that procedure was only performed on the right side, so you can unbundle it.
#2: S1091 is non-payable with Medicare but may be reimbursable with some Commercial payers. Since this is Cigna, you may want to check and see. If not, then use unlisted code 31299 here for the placement of the implants.
#3: Status indicator N tells you that the line is packaged (payment included in the case rate for the primary procedure), not bundled. This is a reimbursement indicator, not a coding guideline, an in any case applies only the Medicare. It's appropriate to report the procedure if supported by documentation, unless your payer specifically wants you to exclude packaged codes.
#4: Same as on the last case I responded to you on - 30802 is appropriate if the site was treated by ablation only. Since the provider states this is a resection, I would get clarification and if obtained, code it as 30140.

I don't see that the frontal sinus was entered on the right, and don't see that a frontal sinus exploration was performed, so I don't think 31253 is supported for either side. 31257 is correct for the left side because an ethmoidectomy was also performed in addition to the sinusotomy (31288 would be incidental/bundled.)

I haven't looked at the diagnosis codes - kind of running out of time and I may have overlooked something, but thought I'd give it a try - this one is challenging!
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This is a really difficult case. I think your colleague is closer to being correct on this one.

#1: You're correct, 31276 bundles to 31253, but I don't see a frontal sinus exploration documented, only a ethmoidectomy and sphenoidotomy, so I'd code 31257, and 31276 doesn't bundle to that. It bundles to 31255 but that procedure was only performed on the right side, so you can unbundle it.
#2: S1091 is non-payable with Medicare but may be reimbursable with some Commercial payers. Since this is Cigna, you may want to check and see. If not, then use unlisted code 31299 here for the placement of the implants.
#3: Status indicator N tells you that the line is packaged (payment included in the case rate for the primary procedure), not bundled. This is a reimbursement indicator, not a coding guideline, an in any case applies only the Medicare. It's appropriate to report the procedure if supported by documentation, unless your payer specifically wants you to exclude packaged codes.
#4: Same as on the last case I responded to you on - 30802 is appropriate if the site was treated by ablation only. Since the provider states this is a resection, I would get clarification and if obtained, code it as 30140.

I don't see that the frontal sinus was entered on the right, and don't see that a frontal sinus exploration was performed, so I don't think 31253 is supported for either side. 31257 is correct for the left side because an ethmoidectomy was also performed in addition to the sinusotomy (31288 would be incidental/bundled.)

I haven't looked at the diagnosis codes - kind of running out of time and I may have overlooked something, but thought I'd give it a try - this one is challenging!
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I'll review all the CPT codes again. Have a wonderful Christmas🍾🎁🎇☃️💐🎅
Tiaralady, you are missing the sphenoidotomy

In order to optimize your RVUs you want to use the sphenoid/ethmoid code and code the frontal code alone when the three codes are performed. Since some are bilateral and some are unilateral, it gets messy: This is what I would code (I have not put these in RVU order which needs to happen before the codes are put into a claim):

31253-RT Frontal and Ethmoid on the right
31257-LT Sphenoid and Ethmoid on the left
31276-XU[59]-LT Frontal on the left
31267-50 Maxillary antrostomy with removal of tissue
30802 Radiofrequency inferior turbinates (code is "unilateral or bilateral", so the 50 modifier is not used)

Reading the operative note, it looks like some tissue may have been removed from the sphenoid sinus but I cannot be sure. This surgeon has got to stop saving his words and being so compact in their dictation. They are just leaving more questions than answers and on review, audit or if the payment needs appeal, the op note is difficult to support all the codes that he is saying that were performed with this compact dictation. If tissue was remove, the 31257-LT would be changed to 31259-LT

1) Bilateral image-guided endoscopic sinus surgery consisting of left endoscopic frontal sinusotomy with total ethmoidectomy
2)Left endoscopic sphenoid simusotomy
3) Bilateral maxillary antrostomies with tissue removal
4)Right endoscopic total ethmoidectomy
5) Bilateral inferior turbinate submucous resection using submucosal radiofrequency current