Wiki criteria for writing consult letter back to pcp


Stedman, NC
Best answers
Does anyone know of the time frame a specialist has to write a letter back to the pcp or referring doctor so guidelines are met for a consult charge?? I can not find any data pertaining to a time limit for the letters to have been written. Thanks for any response.
I am not aware of any written guideline giving exactly this many days or something like that. The rule is that it should be done within a reasonable timeframe, as soon as possible after the encounter. It is acceptable if the requesting provider receives a CC of the documentation as done for the chart.
This is not much. Hopefully there's someone who has a better answer - if there is something in writing on this topic, I'd like to know, too.
Best Practice

I'm not aware of any written deadlines. Our protocol is to dictate all clinic letters within 24 hours (usually the same day) of the visit. The letter is faxed to the PCP as soon as it is transcribed (within 24 hours of dictation).

This is a best practice because if you want to continue to get requests for consultations from the PCPs you want to be communicating with the PCPs speedily. Remember that a consultation is a request from a provider seeking your opinion or advice on the management of a problem. So the PCP is waiting for your advice on how to handle this issue. I don't think the PCP (or the patient) wants to wait weeks to find out what your recommendation is for treatment/management).

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
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