Wiki Destruction


True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
York, Pa
Best answers
Good Day,

I just want to see if anyone can tell me if I'm thinking correctly on this.

Providers note states:

Excision of lesion

procedure documented: The lesion was located on the left back. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. using alcohol. Destruction technique: cryotherapy application.

The provider has "circled" shave excision. i don't agree with this. I believe this is a destruction (17000). The dx code documented is Seborrheic keratosis 702.19.

Does anyone agree with me here that this is a destruction and not a shave?

Thanks in advance.
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17000 code is only to be used when treating Actinic Keratosis. For treatment of benign lesions such as Seborrheic Keratosis you would use 17110. I would caution you that your providers MUST document medical necessity for treatment of benign lesions.
100% agree with ErinM (sorry if that isn't correct, but know Erin is :) You can only use 17000 for PREMALIGNANT lesions, eg actinic keratosis. For all others, such as the SK you use 17110. Hope this helps.

100% agree with ErinM (sorry if that isn't correct, but know Erin is :) You can only use 17000 for PREMALIGNANT lesions, eg actinic keratosis. For all others, such as the SK you use 17110. Hope this helps.

Thank you for the responses... I'll take another look when I get back to work in the morning.

It does help!:):)