Susan - right, there isn't enough information to give a proper fracture code. Even "a closed without manipulation" code wouldn't be proper, in this case. The info we were given was that "nothing" but an xray was done with confimation of a fracture.
Even in the fracture care codes (for fingers any site) closed without manipulation it states that:
the bones are splinted in anatomic position. for example the 26600 is without manipulation - which simply means it does not need realignment. However, the bones would still be splinted in anatomic position.
if they're buddy tapped, THAT would be fracture care!
it's a whole different story
if in the given scenario the doctor actually re-splinted/buddy taped, provided SOME sort of actual fracture treatment to the finger.
But, it doesn't state that the doctor did anything.
(my Dad always tells me: "IF -
"ifs" and
"buts" were candies and nuts, we'd all have a
merry christmas")
So, I read what was written and I stand by what I said earlier - it doesn't appear that fracture treatment of any kind was given therefore I feel it would be fraudulent to bill/code an initial fracture care code. I'm just saying, I wouldn't do it, documentation wouldn't support it. (no
ifs or
buts about it)
just my opinon