Wiki Global Period - minor surgeries


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
A provider in one of my clinics is questioning the global period follow-up for minor surgeries. He states that the follow-up period is 10 visits--not 10 days as I have educated him. Can someone please clarify if it is 10 days or 10 visits and where can I find reference to this? Thanks.
global period

A provider in one of my clinics is questioning the global period follow-up for minor surgeries. He states that the follow-up period is 10 visits--not 10 days as I have educated him. Can someone please clarify if it is 10 days or 10 visits and where can I find reference to this? Thanks.

Wow, I haven't ran across this before, I assumed everyone knew it was by days, but after you said this, you really can't find this distinction in a lot of places. I do have a book "Procedural Coding Professional 2009" and this book lists global days. I thought I would look up on PFS and it doesn't list "days" specifically, it just lists 000. In my book it also lists 000, and then if it's a minor surgery lists 010 and major lists 090 under global days.
try this article and see if that helps.
Thanks to everyone for the help on this. I guess looking at it this way....if it was 10 visits, then the global period could last a year or more depending on when the patient follow-up with the provider. I will check out these links.