Wiki glucose monitor


Best answers
Would you bill a 99211 for when office staff educates a patient on how to use a glucometer? Can you bill the 99211 along with say the 99214 for the physician visit. I'm thinking it's inclusive of the 99214 however my physicians I bill for like to be creative.
Would appreciate any insight.
thank you,
Never personally had this come up but thought it was interesting. I don't know if the nurses are documenting/doing enough to support it but what about 98960? I am assuming nurses are the ones doing the education since they want to bill the nurse only visit. I agree with you on not billing 99211 and 99214 together.

Laura, CPC
the nurse 'teaching' would be inclusive to the physicians E/M service (99214 as you stated) on that day.

You are both correct, you cannot report 99211 and 99214 on the same day.