Wiki Hammertoe of first toe?


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How would you code a Hammertoe repair of the first toe? Would it be 28285? Coding Companion says 28285 is for "one of the lesser toes". Most of the definitions I read for hammertoe also refer to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th toes.
I've never run across this before.
Any help would be appreciated!
28285 is correct for Hammertoe. Below are the modifiers for the digits.

"In billing hammertoes the T modifiers should be used to indicate which toe has been operated on. TA= the left hallux, T1=2nd left, T2=3rd left, T3=4th left, T4=5th left, T5=Right hallux, T6= 2nd right, T7=3rd right, T8=4th right and T9 5th right."

I attended a seminar conducted by the AAPC and this was a topic of interest. Above was some of the information provided.
I agree with all of the 2009 Coders desk reference also references the lesser toes. I never noticed it until pointed out (but I dont look up this code).
