Wiki Heart cath code sheet 2013

Cardiology coding sheet for hospitals

Hi, our cardiology dept hard codes the cpts and our dept has to verify and add the icd9 procedure codes to match up with the cardiology cpt. Is there a tool out there or some type of worksheet so that we can feel more confident that we are coding the correct icd9 procedure code? Thanks so much!
Cardiology Coding

Hello! I'm too new to cardiology coding. I've been coding for over 8 years but I haven't done cardiology in a VERY long time. If anyone has any cheat sheets, can recommend any coding books I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm new to the heart caths, stenting and so forth. All help is GREATLY appreciated! My email is
Cath Coding Sheet

Hi there. I know this is an old post, but, I was wondering if anyone had an updated cardiac catheterization coding sheet. I am new to Interventional Cardiology and am not sure if I am coding them correctly. I believe it is, but, I doubt myself. Many of the articles just explain what a cath is, not what we should be looking for to code. (i.e., stents, etc) Any information would be helpful. Thanks so much!
copy of cath coding sheet


If you're still responding to copy request, I would be greatly appreciative if you’d send one my way

Yes you have to use 26 for diagnostic Catherine,when dr does stent ,put a,atherctomy etc treatment you don't use M 26 , but we should use regarding the coronary vessel

Sometimes report don't say if in a cath lab, how do research that? to make sure modifier 26 should be included or not?