Wiki Help with coding for CTR please

I am stuck or dumb .. .please help :confused:

Right Limited open carpal tunnel release

A longitudinal incision made in palm in line with radial border of the fourth ray. The sharp dissection was carried down through the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The palmar fascia was split under direct visualization in line with the skin incision. The distal extent of the transverse carpal ligament was identified by outpouching the fascia just proximal to the palmar arch and release completely at this level. At this point , the dilators from teh security clip were placed starting with a #1, #2 and #3 pilot in a proximal and ulnarward direction. Once the ligament was isolated, curved Littler scissors were then passed up the ligament while the nerve was well protected posterteriorly. After complete release of the transverse carpal ligament the #1 pilot was then reintroduced to ensure there was complete release of the ligament from the level of the palmar fat into the forearm fascia. ....

64721 354.0 ???

yes those are the correct codes