Wiki How to code a Work Comp Nuc read


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I am having a hard time findin a code for a nuclear stress test reading that is on the work comp list of approved codes.
We normally use 78452-26 but that is not a valid code for work comp. Does anyone know code we can use or what any old nuclear stress test code are that are valid?
]I am having a hard time findin a code for a nuclear stress test reading that is on the work comp list of approved codes.
We normally use 78452-26 but that is not a valid code for work comp. Does anyone know code we can use or what any old nuclear stress test code are that are valid?

For nuclear stress test, 2013 codes are invalid with w/comp. Need to bill 2009 nuclear stress test codes. 93015 and code range 78460-78487. If you do not have a 2009 CPT book available, these codes are listed on the OMFS schedule; which can be found using

send me an email if you need more information.
