Wiki HPI multiple problems

knoxville, TN
Best answers
I have a question about HPI. When a physician documents multiple problems in HPI and you don’t really have enough in one problem can you use the other problems to get a comprehensive or do you need to pick one problem and focus on that? An example of what I’m talking about is:

“Reports that over the past year he has some night sweats, he has had acid reflux on a regular basis and has occasional arm numbness. He complains of frequent shoulder pain.”

So he has night sweats, acid reflux, arm numbness and shoulder. Can you use location twice? I've done some research on this but I just cannot find a definitive answer. I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Anyone have any advice or insight on this issue? I've read on here in a thread that you could use hpi elements more than once but I just took an E/M course this wknd from compliant coding systems that says it has to be 4 elements of hpi for one problem and that you couldn't use the other problems to get the four that is needed for an extended.