Wiki Knee Help....

Jamie Dezenzo

True Blue
Horseshoe Bend, AR
Best answers
Hello all,

Post op dx: rt knee patella chondral defect, vastus medialis tear off
the superior patella

Procedure performed: Rt knee dx arthroscopy and open patella chondral
defect repair and vastus plication

Converted to open after diagnostic scope

A medial incision was made, careful dissection. A 2-cm tear in the
vastus muscle was noted. Careful dissection down to the capsule,
exposing the medial aspect of the patella. The patella origin from the
defect was curetted with a ring curette to a stable margin. The patella
chondral fragment was then sized appropriately and debrided of all
fibrinous tissue, easily able to replace back into its orgin. There was
not a lot of other significant bony debris, although there was noted to
be 2 sheared chondral flaps, which most likely came from the medial
femoral condyle, as there was a shearing component to most medial aspect
of the anterior distal part of the medial femoral condyle; minimal
shearing at this point, no bony bed and full-thickness cartilage defect.
Patella chondral defect was held w/ 4 OrthoSorb pins. Ethibond sutures
were used to perform a pants-over-vest plication from the superolateral
to interomedial, with care taken not to over-tighten due the chondral
repair and cause excess stress on the chondral repair site.

Thanks for any help on this one!!! :)
27418. I found that by going to the back of the CPT book under chondromalacia patella.
That is the only code I found for open. Otherwise I would say unlisted 27599.
Any other suggestions???