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Does anyone know if there is an ICD 9 code (not DRG) for a patient that leaves AMA? I am going crazy looking for one! I remember from coding school our instructor told us that sometimes insurance companies will not pay for the visit if the patient signed out AMA. Now for instance, the patient went to the ED and left AMA there, what is the DX code?? I looked even at the V codes with no luck..someone has to know the answer to this!
Thanks! Jessica:confused:
Cpt rhit

V64.2 - according to AHA Coding Clinic July-August 1985 page 14

Is there a diagnosis code for "left against medical advice?"
Left against medical advice is a data element under the discharge status item in the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set. The discharge status item appears on the Medicare Uniform Bill and on the hospital discharge abstract form (for example, discharged home, transferred to skilled nursing facility, discharged against advice, died, and so forth). There are no ICD-9-CM codes for classifying the various elements of the discharge status or disposition.

However, there is an ICD-9-CM code for classification of the patient's decision not to have a proposed or scheduled procedure performed, V64.2. The principal diagnosis would be the condition that occasioned the admission to the hospital followed by code V64.2 if the patient elected not to have a surgical or diagnostic procedure performed."