Wiki LE revascularization coding


Sacramento, CA
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I am curious to know how everyone is billing Lower Extremity angioplasty when performed in the AT, PT and peroneal arteries. I am not attaching a report as this is for general knowledge as I have seen it billed two different ways.

E.G. Percutaneous angioplasty performed in 3 arteries; AT, PT and peroneal - unilateral

37228 - angioplasty, initial vessel - Anterior tibial
37232 - angioplasty, add'l vessel - Posterior tibial
37232 -76 angioplasty, add'l vessel - Peroneal artery
37228, 37232 x2 billing 37232 with a quantity of 2 units

Thank you and appreciate your input
Thank you Jim. I agree with billing each line separately. If a modifier is not added to the second 37232, our claim scrubber will pick it up as a duplicate. Modifier 76 is added and as far as I know, we haven't received any denials.
I agree with Jim. Adding a modifier XS/59 to indicate that angioplasty is done for different artery. Modifier 76 is for repeat procedure, which is inappropriately to use. The anterior tibia, posterior tibia, and peroneal arteries are 3 different target zones for lower extremity revascularization. You listed angioplasties were performed for 3 different arteries, and there no indication a repeat angioplasty was done for the same artery.