I also agree with Nelenaz as no mod is needed as they are two different procedures. I do know with Medicare, special rules apply for multiple endoscopic procedures apply if the procedure is billed with another endoscopy in the same family, for example, another endoscopy that has the same base procedure. For example if you bill a 45382 with a 45385-59, both have a Multiple Surgery Indicator of 3, they share the same base CPT code of 45378, then the 45385 has the lowest fee schedule amount and the base code amount would be deducted from it.
Like this:
1/1/08 45382 fee schedule amount of 297.53
1/1/08 45385-59 fee schedule amount of 277.24
base scope, not billed, but these two codes share the same base procedure, is 194.76
this is how it will be reimbursed....
45382 will be paid at 100%,297.53
45385-59 will be paid at $82.48, 277.24-194.76=82.48
if they are not of the same family then only Mult Surgery Rules would apply with one paying 100%, the rest at 50%
I know this was way off of what kind of answer you were looking for, but thought it would be helpful in understanding at least the way medicare looks at the payment of procedures
hope this helps and hope I did not add confusion