Wiki More "A" "D" questions regarding MRI studies


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I need some other opinions on utilizing the 7th character if the patient comes to our facility for an MRI SCAN of a body part do to a previous fracture. Patient was initially seen in the ER and had a CT Scan. Now they need an MRI SCAN. What is the appropriate coding from my standpoint. All we do are MRI SCANS. Are we always coding "A"?
A v D

I also code radiology so I know how frustrating this can be. In the history/reason for exam, the radiologist should indicate where the patient fits. If the MRI is for further details of a current injury, then it would be A. If the MRI is for pre-op planning or to check for alignment or correct placement of internal or external hardware or cast immediately following surgery, it is also an A. If the report documents something along the lines of: interval ORIF for a fracture, healing fracture,or anything that indicates follow-up exam or healing changes to a bone, then you would use D. I hope this helps!