Wiki need help with coding?????

Mechanicsville, VA
Best answers
Note sure what code to use?

Diagnosis: Comminuted Fracture right radial head.
Procedure: Using a #15 scapel. A lateral approach to the elbow joint was mad. The intramuscular are was divided and the joint was opened. The radial head fragments were removed and assembled on the back table to ensure that all radial head fragments were removed. This was also check with the C- arm. A perpendicular cut was made on the neck with an osteotomy saw. The elbow was taken through a range of motion and there was no frank dislocation. However, there was subluxation with valgus stress. Therefore, a decision was made to implant a radial head implant. It was rasped to appropriated sixe and trialed with the above –mentioned sizes and felt to be quite stable. The final components were impacted in after a vigorous irrigation of the wound. The lateral collateral ligament was repaired with a fiber wire. The capsule and muscle were closed with #0Vicryl. The skin edges were re approximated with 2-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed with surgical clips.