Wiki Nerve Conduction Study

Peggy M

Bismarck, ND
Best answers
I have a provider that did the following NCS: sensory nerve conductions: Right Radial (forearm), Right Median (palm), Right Ulner (palm), Right Median (wrist), and Left Ulnar (palm). Would this be 95908 or 95909?

I have a provider that did the following NCS: sensory nerve conductions: Right Radial (forearm), Right Median (palm), Right Ulner (palm), Right Median (wrist), and Left Ulnar (palm). Would this be 95908 or 95909?


I don't specialize in this but if you go to appendix J it looks like you have 4 separate nerves on the right side (C,D,E,and G) and a separate nerve on the left side (G LT). I would code to 5 studies 95909.
Thanks for the reply, I just have one more question. Wouldn't the Right Median (palm) and the Right Median (wrist) be the same nerve though so it would only be 95908?

Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the reply, I just have one more question. Wouldn't the Right Median (palm) and the Right Median (wrist) be the same nerve though so it would only be 95908?

Thanks for the help!

That depends on his notes. if he is studying the motor nerve to the wrist (c3) and the sensory or mixed nerve to the palm (d6) it is considered 2 studies. if its the same nerve but two separate sites then yes it is only one. That is the way I am reading it. It will depend on notes and specifying those nerves. hope that helps
He does a motor nerve conduction study of the UE R Median, then he does a Sensory Nerve conduction study of the UE R Median (Wrist - Digit II (index finger) - wrist; and a sensory nerve conduction study of the UE R Median (palm). If these were the only ones he did, I count 2 for 95907. My doc is counting it as 3 - 95908.
I believe the two sensory tests are counted as one as they are on the same nerve and same extremity. His argument is that they are different tests so they should count as two.

Review Appendix J; sensory nerve conduction study of the median sensory nerve to 2nd digit and sensory nerve conduction study of the median palmar mixed nerve are considered to be two separate studies.