Wiki "Obtaining anterior exposure"


True Blue
Stafford, VA
Best answers
Can anyone help?:confused:

Procedure performed:
Exposure of the L4, L5, S1, vertebral bodies using an anterior transperitoneal approach.

I can send the op note.

My general surgeons are only opening up this patient for the neurosurgeon and I really have no idea how to code this! Any help??:confused:
Possibly Co-surgery - 62 modifier

When our general surgeons open for Orthopaedics or another service, the surgery is billed using the code for the procedure with -62 modifier on each surgeon's bill (Co-surgery). Each surgeon dictates his/her own operative note listing the other surgeon as co-surgeon, and detailing his/her participation in the case.

E.g. an Anterior spinal fusion (lumbar), where general surgery does the opening/closing
Billed as 22558-62 for Orthopaedic surgeon
Billed as 22558-62 for General surgeon

The instrumentation, etc codes are applied ONLY to the Ortho (or Neuro) surgeon

You must use the same procedure code that the Ortho or Neuro surgeon is using, so you'll need to check with that surgeon's coding staff to verify the code.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC