Wiki peroneal tubulization and repair help!


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attention was directed to the lateral aspect of the left ankle, where linear incision was made around the lateral ankle down toward the styloid process of the fifth metatarsal. dissection was taken deep making sure to cauterize bleeders, the sural nerve was protected, we then identified the synovial sheath of both peroneal tendons and made a long linear cut along them exposing them removing synovitic change to both tendon sheaths, and the sheath then encapsulated both after cleaning up the synovitis and the fi brotic changes we tubulized the peroneous tendon with 3-0 ethibond
look at 27698 (Chrisman-Snook procedure involves dividing the peroneus brevis tendon and using it in the repair of the collateral ligament) to see if thats what you are looking for.
It sounds like it was done for visualization and I believe its bundled but you can check the CCI edits to make sure.