Wiki Personal History of von Willebrand's

Z86.2 is personal history of diseases of the blood and blood forming organs and certain disorders involving immune mechanism. then states conditions classifiable to D50-D89

VWD dx code is D68.0

That would be my best guess.
Why are you coding "history of" for this disease? It's a life-long condition with no cure, which is why I'm asking.
Only because the physician has "hx of... and I am unfamiliar with that condtion. I'm helping a friend so it's not my expertise.

Gotcha. If the condition is a factor in an encounter, you'd code for it. I believe what the previous poster mentioned is correct; D68.0. It's a blood clotting disorder, so it could very easily impact a ton of other conditions or problems. The sequencing would depend on the specifics of the encounter.