Wiki Placement of 4 French Microcatheter


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These always confuse me for some reason. Can someone tell me the correct CPT codes to use for this procedure?

Poor IV access. The patient requires CT arteriogram.

Technique: The right upper arm was prepped and draped usual sterile fashion. Using ultrasound guidance, the right basilic vein was localized and is patent. Under ultrasound control, the right basilic vein was punctured and the track dilated to accept a 4 French microcatheter. Good blood return and flush was noted.

Thanks so much for your help. Sue
These always confuse me for some reason. Can someone tell me the correct CPT codes to use for this procedure?

Poor IV access. The patient requires CT arteriogram.

Technique: The right upper arm was prepped and draped usual sterile fashion. Using ultrasound guidance, the right basilic vein was localized and is patent. Under ultrasound control, the right basilic vein was punctured and the track dilated to accept a 4 French microcatheter. Good blood return and flush was noted.

Thanks so much for your help. Sue

I think 36569 is what you are looking for.
HTH :)
so it's just the 36569 and ultrasound guidance. Like I said I don't know why my brain freezes when I see one of these........thanks, Sue Haydysch, CPC