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:eek:I have a pt who had arthroscopic debridement (extensive..29823) and bursectomy performed. Can anyone help with the code I should use for the bursectomy?? Is it included in the extensive debridement? OR could it be coded out as 29820? I am stuck and really need to get all my surgeries coded before June 30.....thanks!:eek:
In what part of the shoulder did the doctor perform the debridement and what part of the shoulder for the bursectomy? If the doctor did debridement anteriorly and posteriorly in the glenohumeral area that could constitute extensive debridement. If bursectomy was performed in the subacromial space along with acromioplasty, you should look at 29826, subacromial decompression, too. If it's just plain bursectomy, it would be part of extensive debridement.