does anyone have experience billing for pre and post-op? i work for a family practice physician who does a lot of pre and post op including labs and most times a hospital stay. when we had our billing company they had us fill out a form and fax it to the surgeon's office stating they'd bill with a modifier showing surgery only not pre and post-op then we'd bill with the pre or post op modifier using the CPT they put down on the form - most surgeon's offices would not fill this out they'd bill for the entire thing so we started billing a 99213 or 99214 and got paid that way instead of fighting with the surgeon's office; we are no longer using these forms. i feel we could be losing money by not doing this. we bill a pre-op consult and sometimes we get paid sometimes we don't, from what i have seen using a 56 modifier on the 99243, etc does not get paid, gets denied. does anyone know the proper way to bill?