Wiki Prescription drug dispensed in office


Memphis, TN
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How would you or do you code for a prescription drug dispensed at the time of an office visit. This is medication we purchased. Pt given 2gm of Flagyl.
There are times when certain DME items can't be billed and are inclusive to the E/M, are there instances when medication is inclusive to the E/M?
where I work, oral medication given in the office is not charged out. It's inclusive to the E/M visit. Sometimes, we have certain prescriptions on hand and they are given to the patient for whatever reason. Sometimes the docs have to write a prescription and the patient has to go pay for it at the pharmacy. But, when it's given in the office and it's oral - we don't charge.
{that's my opinion on the posted matter}
if a single dose (unless its extremely high priced) I would consider it as part of the e/m as well. However if you are dispensing a 7/10/15/30 day supply(which we do) then those are billable
We would charge medications we dispensed for workers comp and auto accidents. These were billed using 99070,___ or 96370,___. We had different numbers for different medications. It was such a pain to even get paid by them, that we have now gone to a different service to handle the scripts.

However, I know they do bill for meds at my doctors office, but as stated in the previous post it was for 15 day or higher supply.

Sorry couldn't be more help.