Wiki Question regarding ace wraps


Creswell, OR
Best answers
I am just a little confused about if I can bill for an ace wrap in addition to the office visit, or if it should be included in the office visit charge? Someone told me that you cannot bill for them seperately but my doctors seem to think that you can. Any help with this would be very much appreciated!

Thank you!
How strange, I came on here looking for the same answer you are looking for!! I cannot determine whether this is to be billed or not. Hopefully someone out there is more knowledgeable than I!!!!
In my urgent care, patients sign waivers for wraps/crutches/slings/etc and self pay. We create in-house codes in our system to track the supplies but do not bill to insurance.

Previously, we tried submitting to insurance with no waiver as a back up, and the service was always deemed non-covered and written off. So we changed the policy to self paying for those items.