Hello, I am still very new at coding Peds and I have a question.
A new patient child walks in and is very behind on vaccines and his physicals. Doctor performs the comprehensive exam and the physical per the American Academy of Pedatricians guidelines. However, the child is sick so he is unable to give the child the vaccinations. He prescribes an antibiotic and tells the mother to bring the child back in 1 wk. Should I code the first visit as new patient e/m as sick and in one week a physical with the vaccinations? Or the first visit a physical and the second with an e/m and vaccinations? He is performing the physical on both days. On the first day the diagnosis well check or routine physical is left out and on the second visit he may be working to hard. I think I should code the first visit a physical and the second visit with the e/m along with the vaccinations and just advise the doctor to write well check and routine for the first visit. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics the doctor must perform the physical if the child is behind. But some cases the mother does not even bring the child back in one week for the vaccinations. Does anyone disagree about how I am thinking to code this scenario and think I should not advise the doctor to list the diagnosis well check. I am thinking to cover himself with the AAP, he should write the dx routine well check or routine physical in case the mother does not comply. If this diagnosis is left out is it still considered a physical?? Would like some input and would like to know how other offices are coding this scenario.
Leilani, CPC
A new patient child walks in and is very behind on vaccines and his physicals. Doctor performs the comprehensive exam and the physical per the American Academy of Pedatricians guidelines. However, the child is sick so he is unable to give the child the vaccinations. He prescribes an antibiotic and tells the mother to bring the child back in 1 wk. Should I code the first visit as new patient e/m as sick and in one week a physical with the vaccinations? Or the first visit a physical and the second with an e/m and vaccinations? He is performing the physical on both days. On the first day the diagnosis well check or routine physical is left out and on the second visit he may be working to hard. I think I should code the first visit a physical and the second visit with the e/m along with the vaccinations and just advise the doctor to write well check and routine for the first visit. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics the doctor must perform the physical if the child is behind. But some cases the mother does not even bring the child back in one week for the vaccinations. Does anyone disagree about how I am thinking to code this scenario and think I should not advise the doctor to list the diagnosis well check. I am thinking to cover himself with the AAP, he should write the dx routine well check or routine physical in case the mother does not comply. If this diagnosis is left out is it still considered a physical?? Would like some input and would like to know how other offices are coding this scenario.
Leilani, CPC
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