Wiki Spermatic Cord Injection of Kenalog

Ironton, MN
Best answers
We are new to urology coding. Not sure if we are lacking the right documentation, or if the code for this is just unclear to us. Do you know what CPT we would report for this?

Diagnosis: Testicular Pain
Procedure: Spermatic cord injection

The patient was brought to the procedure room and laid in the supine position. The left testis was examined. Acute discomfort was noted at the left epididymal head. The spermatic cord was isolated and a 3 finger technique at the external ring. 7 cc of 2% lidocaine with 40 mg of Kenalog were injected into the cord after aspiration to be sure the needle was not in a blood vessel. The patient tolerated the procedure well. He was instructed to pay close attention to the presence or absence of pain over the next couple of hours and days.
Since no specific nerves for injection/treatment were mentioned, I would suggest 64450 as the best CPT code for this clinical scenario.