Wiki Stent assisted embolization


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We have a patient with a mid-basilar left sided projecting 1 cm aneurysm with a relatively wide neck. The physician is going to do a stent assisted embolization. The sales representative told us to use 75960 which the physician says is wrong. He says there really is no code for this procedure.
What code should I use? We need to try and get this precerted!

Thank you
From my understanding an embolization is to be coded 37204/75894 regardless of the technique utilized for the embolization. The assistance of a stent in inherent if the intent of the procedure was to embolize.
Also, you would charge 75898 for the follow-up imaging after embolization, if performed.
From my understanding an embolization is to be coded 37204/75894 regardless of the technique utilized for the embolization. The assistance of a stent in inherent if the intent of the procedure was to embolize.
Also, you would charge 75898 for the follow-up imaging after embolization, if performed.

I agree with everthing said here except that the embolization code should be 61624 instead of 37204 because the basilar artery is intracranial. The description states "Embolization, any method" which includes stents.

However, if no embolization was performed then the code for stent placement in the basilar artery would be 61635.

I hope this helps.
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My sincerest apologies, you are correct...I had basilic on my brain instead of basilar. Thank you Danny!