Wiki Thigh abscess drainage


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Can we code the below procedure with 27301 & 75989?

Clinical history: 51 y/o male s/p wide local excision of left
thigh sarcoma on 6/26/09 now presents with larger left anterior
thigh fluid collection.
The left anterior thigh site was marked, prepped and
draped in a sterile fashion. The area was locally anesthetized
with 1% lidocaine. Using ultrasound guidance, a 19 gauge guiding
needle was advanced, positioned with the tip within the fluid
collection. An Amplatz wire was advanced and seen coiled within
the collection. The tract was dilated and a 10 Fr APD catheter
was placed. The loop was formed and locked in place. The
position was verified with another series of images. The catheter
was then secured to the skin with 3-0 prolene. 80cc of
serosanguinous fluid was aspirated. At the end of the procedure
a sterile dressing was applied, thus terminating the procedure.
Specimen was taken to Pathology at the end of the procedure for
culture and sensitivity and cytology.
Impression: Ultrasound guided drainage of left anterior thigh
fluid collection with 10 Fr APD.