Wiki What should you know when you are new?


Akron, OH
Best answers
I wonder if I could get an idea from seasoned coders and managers. Could you tell me what is the top 3 things you would like coder's to know coming into the workplace?
1. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
2. Be open. Realize there may be criticism. Consider it feedback and try not to take it personally. (Not always easy, I know!)
3. Keep learning ~ get your hands on any references or resources you can...books, manuals, websites, magazines, seminars, forums such as this one, network with others in the office or at local meetings, etc. Keep up on what is going on in the coding world. It's always changing! That's the fun and challenging part!

P.S. Don't forget #1 :)
1. Never be afraid to ask questions. (I completely agree with Pam)
2. Realize that what you have learned about coding correctly is your foundation, that each payer has their own rules which don't always follow correct coding rules.
3. Be a positive member of the team. In other words, you want to be the one that understands the flow and the importance of each member of the group you work with and that you are a valuable member of the team. Don't be the one that says "I'm just a coder."
In addition to all the good things already mentioned:

Don't worry if you don't know everything, the most important part is to know where/how to find it (know your resources, books, fellow-coders, networks ...)

Don't worry about challenges, if it were easy we wouldn't need trained coders.

Be open-minded! If you ask 50 coders the same question you might get 50 answers. Some things are more subjective than others. Just because there are different opinions, doesn't necessarily mean you are wrong, so trust your skills but at the same time listen to your peers and judge what makes more sense. (Well, I hope this makes sense to you.... )

Finally, enjoy what you do whenever you can. It's more fun that way.

Best of luck!